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At The Magistrates Courts, free Legal Aid is means tested. If you qualify for Legal Aid, you won't pay anything for your defence. If you are in receipt of state benefits or under 18 years of age you will automatically qualify.

In the Crown Court, everyone is eligible for legal aid; however you may have to pay a contribution depending on your financial circumstances (which will be refunded if you are found not guilty of all charges). If you are in receipt of some state benefits or you are under 18 years of age you will pay nothing.

If you are not eligible for Legal Aid, or the court refuses to grant Legal Aid because the case is not serious enough (for example speeding offences) we will be able to represent you on a privately paying basis. We will discuss our fees with you and you will never pay anything unless you have agreed to it in advance. If you are found not guilty we will apply to the court to have a proportion of your legal fees repaid to you.

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